Documents for Stopping Junk Mail Delivery
Here is a list of documents we have found from around the web that have useful information when trying to stop junk mail, stop telemarketing, and reduce spam. Some come from the ftc.gov website. Visit them by copying and pasting www.ftc.gov into your browser. Some of the others are legal documents that are useful when examining your rights as a consumer. Enjoy!
(Please note that these are all .pdf files available for download)
- An Application for Listing and/or Prohibitory Order - Form 1500 (PDF) from the USPS. Helps to Stop Junk Mail. Use this form to request you not get mail from a certain company. See our stop junk mail page for more info regardign this form.
- Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (PDF): Helps you stop being telemarketing to by explaining the facts and your rights!
- Telephone and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act (PDF): Helps stop telemarketing by explaining what's considered fraud and abusive behavoir over the phone.
- The Telemarketing Sales Rule (PDF): Outlines the code of conduct by telephone markters and how to get yourself removed from lists.
- FCC info on the National Do Not Call Registry (PDF): Information regarding the federally mandated and mangaged Do Not Call Registry.
- Article from the ftc.gov website regarding telemarketing scams and how to stop and spot them (PDF)
- Another article from the ftc.gov website regarding stopping telemarketing scams (PDF)
- Tips to help stop email spam from the ftc.gov website (PDF)